[예맨 난민] 예맨 내전 : 1인당 4정의 총기 보유
In the past, Yemen had a title of democratic country in the Arab world.
2018/06/21 - [Hot Issue / Real Time Hot Issue] - [Yemen Refugees] What is the problem with Yemen?
There are a few electoral systems and the protection of individual human rights, including women, is relatively good compared to other Arab countries. So far, it looks good, but ironically it is not.
High unemployment rate + corrupt system + Western democracy = government lack of legitimacy.
In fact, the election system is fairly formal, with 111 senators appointed by the president, and the House of Representatives in the 2003 general election, with 238 seats in the House seats of 301 seats, with 226 seats (precisely 226 seats) And 12 independent lawmakers joined the GPC shortly after the election). In the 2006 presidential election, Salle won 77.2% and the opposition candidate won only 21.8%.
Since then, there has been no election with a competition even in nominal terms, and this is about 10 years ago. Now it is time to protest against the democracy movement in the Arab world, largely oppressing the people as a whole, and after the coup The democratic rights of the people are shrinking and the instability is maximized on the trains of Syria and Libya.
In other words, the government is not a government. The Yemeni government's control has been weakened by a variety of forces including Saudi Arabia's Whakai, local tribes, and Al Qaeda. In addition, there is chronic water shortage due to the large amount of water required for mass cultivation of the traditional symbolic psychedelic cultivars (قات, Khat).
In the end, the government is merely controlling the "lines and points" of all major roads, oil fields and pipelines. Colonel Bob Adolf, UN Security Officer, said that the Yemeni government has only 50 percent of the country's control. In fact, if you look at the situation now, it's probably 50%
When oil was blown up and became oil-producing, it was expected that it would be able to overthrow the feudal chieftains. The oil has entered the bribery income of the chiefs and has not achieved the development of the country, and it is still unable to leave the title of being the poorest country in the Arabian peninsula.
According to the Japan Travel Safety Site, Yemen is the country where the whole country is painted red with countries such as Somalia, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Libya, South Sudan and Syria.
According to the vulnerable country index, Yemen is the fourth most unstable country in the world .
2018/06/21 - [Hot Issue / Real Time Hot Issue] - [Yemen Refugees] What is the problem with Yemen?
The first is legendary legend, not Somalia. If you do not feel it, you can see that Syria is the 6th and Iraq is the 11th.
민주화 혁명으로 독재자 살레가 실각한 후에도 사회 혼란은 지속되어서, 북부에서는 시아파 후티 반군이 준동하고 있으며 남부에서는 남예멘의 재분리를 요구하는 분리주의자들, 그리고 이 혼란을 틈타 침투한 알 카에다 아라비아반도지부(AQAP)가 살림을 차려 혼란은 더욱 가중되었다. 미국과 사우디아라비아가 예멘의 안정을 위해 재정적, 군사적 지원을 계속하고 있으나, 부족주의 성향이 강한 예멘 특성상 갈등이 쉽게 봉합되지는 않을 듯하다. 오죽하면 제2의 시리아가 되어간다고 할까. 거기에다 유엔 인도주의 업무조정국(OCHA)의 스티븐 오브라이언 국장은 예멘이 모든 면에서 붕괴되고 있다고 밝혔다.
혼란스러운 역사와 막장인 정치 상황 때문에 1인당 4정(4인당 1정이 아니다!) 꼴로 총기가 뿌려져 있는 상태다.
1980년대 남예멘에서는 귀찮은 협상이나 투표가 아니라 '총질'에 의한 개각을 시행하려고 했을 정도. 대통령 경호원이 국무회의에 참석한 장관들에게 총기를 난사했는데, 더 황당한 건 장관들도 권총으로 무장하고 있었고 장관들의 경호원들도 무장 중이었다는 사실. 그래서 결국은 대통령 측 경호원들vs장관들+장관 경호원들 간 치열한 총격전이 벌어졌다고 한다.
거기다가 장관들이 죄다 족장들이라 수도 시내로 총격전에서 확대되어 전투가 확산되었다. 그런가 하면, 2008년에는 잘 조직되고 정부 경찰 제복으로 위장한 6명의 테러리스트가 미국 대사관을 공격했었다. 물론 위험 지역의 미국 대사관들은 요새화가 되어 있으므로 미국 대사관 테러는 실패했고 애꿎은 예멘 정부군만 다쳤다.
이렇게 개막장인데도 아랍 세계에서 가장 인구 증가율이 많은(연간 2.8%) 나라다.
2018/06/21 - [Hot Issue / Real Time Hot Issue] - [Yemen Refugees] What is the problem with Yemen?
This rate doubles the population 25 years later. The population was 2000 million in 2005, and in 2011, six years later, it was 2,383,000. Yet this level is much better, and at one time it had the title of the country with the highest fertility rate in the world, with a total fertility rate of 9. [24] Now it has been reduced to 4-5 people. The problem is that Yemen is a poor country, and if this population grows, there will be no burden on the nation.
With the Tunisian Revolution, the entire Arab region was swallowed up by revolutionary enthusiasm.
In Yemen, Egypt and Libya, along with a representative example of regime abduction. The revolution in the Arab region is led by young people under 30 who make up 40% to 50% of the total population. In Yemen, the population below 30 is 75% of the total population! It has been a long time since many Muslims have banned contraception and gave birth to a large number of children. Many of the countries have a huge population growth rate, and many young people are contributing to the expansion of the revolution.
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