Two Korean-Americans entered the US House of Representatives simultaneously in the US midterm election. Andy Kim, who ran for the New Jersey 3 district, and Young Kim, who ran for the California 39 district, is the main character.

According to foreign media including Polytiko, Andy Kim declared victory in the House of Representatives election in the New Jersey 3 district where he ran on July 7 (local time). "I am very proud to declare victory," he said before supporters of the day.

According to the real - time billing situation, Andy Kim won 49.8% of the 99% of votes in the New Jersey 3 electoral district where he ran. The rival, Republican Tom MacArthur, won 48.9 percent of the vote. Tom MacArthur, a rival Republican, has yet to officially acknowledge his defeat.

Andy Kim has been steadily narrowing the gap, although he was weakened by MacArthur in the first six months of the year in a six-to-three situation. MacArthur was ahead of Andy Kim by 0.9 percent until the early hours of the day, but the situation was reversed as Andy Kim won the strongest billing county in Burlington County.

The Republican party, which is also a Korean-American, has virtually won the Democratic contender, Gil Sisneros, who won 51.3 percent of the 100 percent of votes in California's 39 electoral district and 48.7 percent of the vote.

After the election victory of these two people, the US Congress was inaugurated 20 years after Kim Chang - joon 's retirement in 1998. It is the first time in the history of the United States that two Korean-Americans enter the Bundestag at the same time.

Andy Kim is a "pro-American" Obama who served as a national security advisor to the Middle East at the Obama administration. He is also the second generation immigrant born to immigrant parents from Korea to New Jersey. I have supported the universal right to enjoy medical services based on my experience with my father who suffered polio.

Young Kim is a migrant who migrated from Korea in 1975. He studied at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California, and entered politics in 1990. He has been working with House Republican Congressman Ed Royce, who has been in the area for the past 13 years, for 20 years, and he has won the election this time.

Meanwhile, Perl Kim, who ran for Pennsylvania's 5th election as a candidate for the Republican Party, and Thomas, who ran for the Virginia 8th district, failed to enter the US House of Representatives with just 35.0 percent and 23.7 percent of the vote respectively.

(서울=연합뉴스) 고상민 김보경 기자 = 여야는 7일 북미 고위급회담이 전격 연기된 것을 두고 엇갈린 분석을 내놨다.

여당인 더불어민주당은 이날 실시된 미국 중간선거 결과 미 의회 지형이 바뀔 것으로 보이는 가운데 양국이 일단 '숨 고르기'에 나선 것으로 짚었다.

더불어민주당 홍익표 수석대변인은 연합뉴스와의 통화에서 "미국 중간선거 결과가 어느 정도 예측됐던 것이기는 하지만 향후 워싱턴 분위기가 어떻게 흐를지는 모른다"며 "북미 양국은 선거 이후 추이를 본 뒤 회담을 열자는 데 의견을 함께한 것 같다"고 짐작했다.

홍 수석대변인은 "회담 일정이 그렇게 많이 미뤄지지는 않을 것"이라며 "민주당을 비롯한 워싱턴 정가의 분위기에 따라 향후 협상 수준이나 의제 범위도 영향을 받을 것"이라고 내다봤다.

국회 외교통일위원회 소속인 민주당 이석현 의원도 "중간선거를 전후한 상황이라 미국으로선 고위급회담을 할 여유가 없었을 것"이라며 "의회 구성이 바뀐 만큼 뭔가 더 생산적인 결과물을 내놓으려면 양국 간 사전조율이 더 필요한 상황"이라고 말했다.

반면 자유한국당과 바른미래당은 북미 관계의 불안정성이 이번 회담 연기로 또 한 번 드러났다고 했다.

한국당 윤영석 수석대변인은 "이번 회담 연기를 통해 미국과 북한의 관계가 정부·여당이 주장하는 것처럼 그렇게 안정적이지 않음을 알 수 있었다"며 "정부는 더는 북한에 끌려다니는 모습을 국제사회에서 보여서는 안 된다"고 촉구했다.

바른미래당 박주선 의원은 "회담 연기는 양국이 물밑접촉을 한 결과 더는 서로 내놓을 것이 없다고 판단한 것"이라며 "북한과 미국이 서로 불신하면 우리의 대북 정책도 진퇴양난에 처할 수 있다"고 말했다.

범진보진영에 속하는 민주평화당과 정의당은 향후 상황을 지켜봐야 한다며 신중한 입장을 보였다.

평화당 김정현 대변인은 구두논평에서 "한반도 문제 당사자들은 좀 더 여유를 갖고 상황을 점검할 필요가 있다"며 "한미, 북미 간 긴밀한 3각 공조를 앞으로도 계속해나가기 바란다"고 밝혔다.

정의당 정호진 대변인은 "북미 고위급회담이 연기돼 아쉽다"면서 "미 국무부가 '대화는 계속될 것'이라고 밝힌 만큼 회담 연기에 대한 과도한 해석으로 불필요한 오해를 만들지 말아야 한다"고 강조했다.

Kang Kyung-hua said that North Korea's high-level negotiations, which were scheduled to be held on August 8, are due to a proposal by the North to postpone the talks on a scheduled basis.

Kang received a notice from North Korea that he had an explanation for the talks between the two Koreas on the ground for postponing the high-level talks at the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs and Reunification Committee on August 8, He said.

He also quoted Lee Jung-hyun, a member of the independent council, saying, "The United States has announced the postponement of the high-level talks and said Secretary of State Pompeii will be held later.

"I have spoken publicly that Pompeyo will be held later," he added, adding "that is not too much to give meaning to the postponement of the talks."

"We, too, are aware of the readiness of the US talks at various levels and will urge North Korea and resume talks on North Korea soon," he said.

Kang Byeong-guk, a right-wing lawmaker of the Future Party, said, "It is difficult to tell the exact moment, but we have been informed in advance."

He said, "There are various communication channels between Korea and the US, and we have been informed in advance." During the luncheon, Lee Doo-hoon, the deputy head of the Korean peninsula Peace Dialogue, contacted us urgently. "

At the same time, he said North Korea's sanctions. Kang said, "It is the view that denuclearization is inevitable. "It is the government's position that it is not for the stage for now."

"Steve Vegan, the US special envoy for North Korean policy last week, is in deep discussions on denuclearization measures and US countermeasures," he said. "It is difficult to talk specifically about this issue as it will be on the negotiation table between North Korea." He added.

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